X-ray protective curtain
Many people are worried that radiation during safety inspections will harm the human body. In fact, there are thick X-ray protective curtains on both sides of the security inspection machine, and there is a layer on each side. Block X-rays, because lead materials are not penetrated by X-ray machines. Moreover, this radiation dose has been tested before leaving the factory, and unqualified products are not allowed to leave the factory.
X-ray security inspection machine is in a subway station or airport security inspection task. When the radiation dose is negligible, stand at the X-ray security inspection machine or security check the X-ray dose and play with the mobile phone. Sometimes the passengers who check the point in a hurry, but before the inspection package is shipped out, They found the lead curtain product, although it did not harm the human body several times occasionally, but if the number is large, the X-ray radiation dose will cause some harm.
Many people will pay attention to food through X-ray scanning, purifying food, eating it will harm the body, don't worry too much in this regard, the X-ray recovered by the luggage inspection X-ray security inspection machine, the power is very small, and the radiation dose is less than 1μ Sv , Which is far lower than those used for dose irradiation to keep fresh food. Many foods we eat are irradiated, and X-rays will not stay in the food.
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